RP - Definition of Project

My Research Project is: an exploration into the visual representation (and creation) of form (in 2D and 3D) by using stylistically similar methods (repeated facets) across a variety of mediums

I like animals - especially bird form. I have found that over the years I have been influenced by the methods of other artists, and if I see a technique I like, then I will try to re-create it to understand the process involved, and for me to gain news skills.

For my Final Major Project I wanted to create work on the subject of birds, and chose to create a calendar of pigeons - the pigeon being my favourite bird. For my FMP I knew I wanted to use a technique that was both decorative and intriguing, and after finding an artist whose work I liked, without knowing how they themselves had created their work, I set out to achieve an effect similar to the artist's finished piece. The technique I used was achieved by the repetition of shapes to make the object (pigeons) seem real.

Sally Taylor, 2013. July
The technique used in my FMP was mainly digital. In my Research project I hope to challenge my artistic ability by using traditional skills - to explore how different processes can be applied in order to gain a wider understanding of form, and to learn of the advantages/disadvantages of each method used. I will be looking at a variety of different artists whose working methods can be used to help me explore my question.

My Research project will be made up of three aspects:

- How the technique used in my FMP (repeated facets) relates to 3D form (sculpture)
- The creation of form, and how it is perceived
- How different art planes (2D/3D) relate to each other (and the heavy links between them)

I will be carrying out the following experiments:

- 3D experiments (using paper and wire) - the manipulation of paper - origami/papercut/diorama
- Other alternative traditional methods (sewing/image altering)
- Depth creation (relating to colour and composition theory)

Through my research I hope to gain new artistic knowledge - both in artistic skill, and to learn about new artists' work, and how they create their own work and why they set out to create it.

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