What is 'Delaunay Triangulation/Raster?'

"...all automatic images (photography, cinema, television) ...will be, in the short or medium term, transmuted into numbers to be able to be registered, manipulated, broadcasted, preserved, retouched. Those techniques cannot be ignored by artists who are looking for new experiences and new perceptible investigations" - Edmond Couchot (a French digital artist and art theorist interested in interested in the connection between art and technology). - http://thecreatorsproject.vice.com/blog/let-there-be-triangulated-art

Delaunay Triangulation (in laymans terms) is the creation of shapes and 'maps' using connected points via mathematic formula. The term 'Delaunay Triangulation' (although a mathematic formula) is also given to methods of artwork created (usually digitally) using repeated triangle shapes. The term is named after the painter Robert Delaunay, an 'Orphism' artist. 'Orphism' was concerned with pure abstraction, which relied on repeated form and strong colour to communicate meaning.

Robert Delaunay, 1912. Simultaneous Windows on the City

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