Thursday 19 April 2012

Misc. research - 18th March 2012

When discussing my project with one of my tutors, he suggested many different things I could research - artists, plays, myths etc. One of the most famous myths involving flight is Icarus. While looking into artwork of Icarus, I  came across this painting, which has since become one of my favourites. I find the wings simply stunning.

Herbert James Draper - Lament for Icarus - 1898

Also while searching, I came across the street artist elbow-toe, whose work is unlike any street art I've ever seen before. I love the mark making. I'll have to look into their work more.

elbow-toe - Icarus 

Other things my tutor mentioned were the film 'Birdy' (1984) which sounds just my kind of film, and if I can find it I'll watch it, and the work of artist Leonard Baskin, who draws birds.

Crow - Leonard Baskin

Within the subject of flight there are so many things I could look at and research - its just a matter of picking and choosing what I think will help my work, and what I find is relevant to me.

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