Sunday 28 October 2012

Birmingham Zine Festival - Post 2

Free mini-zines (also called 'InstaZines)
Zine pages by Sammy Borras. This was my fave mini Zine because... opens up into a poster!
Video of me unfolding Sammy's Zine into a poster, then back again. Apologies for the finger at the beginning!

'Orange' word-less comic by naniiebim
Free stuff - yay!
Comic by Sammy Borras (a graduate of my University)
A Zine about making zines - how handy!
Simple and easy instructions - hoorah!
A concertina book by Jamie Mills (also a graduate of our University)
Long concertina is LONG.
A concertina book by Kristyna Baczynski (who has an amazing name) 
Kristina's concertina is double sided (LOOK I MADE A GIF)
The Festival was definitely worth going to, and I'll be looking into going to more events like it. The next one on my list is 'Homemade and Bound Fair', on the 18th November, at the St Bride Foundation in London. It'll be interesting to compare the work available (and prices!) and atmosphere, if I do get to go, which I hopefully will!

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